Thursday, February 15, 2007

Last One -- Summary

The most important thing I learned is that there are so many new and changing technologies available on the internet, which is making it even more important to have a presence on the internet with a good web site. I rarely use the phone book for information; usually I use one of the available services on the net, like Merriam-Webster, Reference USA and Google for example for information.

The most challenging thing with the 2.o Project, for me, was probably making and editing the changes in Wikipedia for the Libraries information site. I had to read some of the instructions on Wikipedia. It wasn't an easy cut and paste to add the 'ANNEX' logo there. Also the RRS feeds were new to me and seem useful in getting information you visit often on the internet into one location.

As far as how, we PVLD can use these technologies to improve our services. I think maybe offering more training classes to our Patrons, so that they can become more aware of the new and changing technologies on the internet, would be a good first step.

I wish my parents would get a computer, so they can get the email/information that goes between us kids in the family.

The self-directed leaning was fun and interesting, not really hard at all.

Where is my MP3 Player????

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Task #10, MySpace

I made a MySpace account and added or should I say, invited some friends to join, but sadly they have yet to respond to my request -- except one.

The link to MySpace account is:

It seems to be another way to tell the world about yourself, and a place for friends to stay connected to one another, which is cool. But they're potential problems, because as you put more information about yourself on the internet for the world to see, your privacy and anonymity diminishes.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Task #9 Google Docs & Spreadsheets

This is neat because you can put letters and correspondence in your Google files. You then have the ability to access your stuff from any Internet location.

This is great if you have to come to the Library and use one of the on-site Library Data Bases for research; you could cut and paste your information here and then you're able to access it without having to return to the Library.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Task #8

My Youtube user name is 'RobPVLD', the video I watched is from Hillsong Church - 'Mighty to Save', great song. See link below.

I think Youtube is popular because anyone can upload their camera phone video's and any home video's for their friends, and the world to see.

The Library District could video tape 'Story Time', so that the Peninsula Parents could watch from the comfort of home. I know the Young Reader Librarian's would love this.



My WIKIPEDIA user name is 'Robpvld'.

I added the Annex logo above the Annex address at the Palos Verdes Library District page. It took a little reading to get the image into Wikipedia, but I did it.
I never used Wikipedia before and it's neat. A good place to find information and you add your own infomation to a subject if you have some to add.

Task # 6 Instant Messaging with AIM

rob23309 (9:43:16 AM): Is anyone out there?PVLD2007 (9:43:17 AM): PVLD2007 is no longer signed on.rob23309 (9:57:28 AM): HelloPVLD2007 (9:57:28 AM): PVLD2007 is no longer signed on.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Task #5 -- Rae Lake, another photo

Rae Lake
Originally uploaded by Rob PVLD.
Here is a photo in my Flickr account.


Task # 5, Flickr

I camped, hiked and fished up here two years ago. Its really this beautiful in person too.

Photo Long Lake, John Muir Wilderness


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Task #4 Digital Photo

Hey -- I've used the digital camera and created lots of documents with photos before, but I never have published something on the internet.


Task #3, My RSS links

I subscribed to;

David this is too easy, a link to the defintion of RSS is below.


The MotleyFool

Daily Show Video

Task #1 and #2 -- First Post on Blogger

Why am I blogging you ask? I want a mp3 player, that's why. Cool!

PVLD Rocks!
